Our commitment to Superior Customer Service
Published by Seth Wright on Nov 08, 2018
11x17 Inc. Customer Service
I have spent the better part of my life serving others and as the office manager of 11x17 Inc. I have brought this commitment with me. I believe 11x17 is one of the best companies to work for because of this commitment to serving our customers. I shop online everyday so I know what it means to have a great customer experience online. I believe that some of the most simple things go unnoticed about 11x17.com that really makes us great. One of the most important features about 11x17.com is that we put the company phone number right on the top of every page, and we answer every call with a human person on the other end. I hate when I am shopping for something and they have hidden the phone number as a way to deter incoming phone calls. Here at 11x17 we are committed to fielding every call to us be it positive or negative.
This is a competitive advantage in today's online world and I am proud to be one of our representative that regularly answer the phone.